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Susan is known as an inventive painter, continually trying new ways to depict the world. In
response to an international juried show on the theme of Emotions, she entered this multi-
media work she titled “Fear”. Made up of patched canvas, acrylic paint, and stitched Japanese
papers, the piece was inspired by the image of an approaching stranger she saw in her
shattered wing mirror after a bad car accident. She had just woken up after a couple of minutes
of unconsciousness. The painting was awarded the 2023 Emerald ARTYA Award, to be
presented in June 2024 by Arttour International Magazine of New York, indeed a great honour.

In additional to painting, Susan is also becoming known as an expert restorer of broken stone
and concrete statues, jewellery, rugs and damaged paintings. She continues to paint
commissions, of people, pets and houses, and she is also known for her “Play for a Day” private
workshops, which include a gourmet lunch, any coaching needed, and the use of any of the
materials in her studio.